Beautiful necklaces and pendants with layered chains for a fashionable, chic look-3mm Flat Cuban Link Chain

Length 16.0 Inches 18.0 Inches 20.0 Inches 22.0 Inches 24.0 Inches 26.0 Inches 30.0 Inches

Our 3mm 24k Gold Plated Thin Flat Cuban Link Chain for Women and Men is made with 20X more gold than standard electroplate.  It is made to last!  People love this as it has the look and feel of solid gold but costs so little.  We offer a Lifetime Replacement Guarantee in case of damage or wear.  Comes in a perfect gift pouch.

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  • 🔗 Tired of wasting money for women jewelry that EASILY BREAK? Don’t you hate it when necklaces turn your NECK GREEN? Don’t you just «love it» when gold chains TARNISH within days or look like they came out of a gumball machine? Lifetime Jewelry’s necklace chains are MADE TO LAST; We use up to 20X more 24 karat real gold plating than other electroplate; And even though this Gold Curb Chain is only 3.3mm (0.13 inches) it is very strong and durable; Comes in 16 18 20 22 24 26 and 30 inches
  • 🔗 ‘’Lifetime Jewelry is the NEXT BEST THING TO SOLID GOLD’’, one of our customers said recently and we couldn’t have said it better ourselves; You can get ten of ours for every piece of 14k or 18k you buy; Wear your Gold Jewelry with confidence, as only your jeweler will know this chain is not solid gold; And we won’t tell if you won’t (wink wink)
  • 🔗 COMES IN A BLACK VELVET POUCH for easy gift giving; We could have offered it in a jewelry box, but decided not to, as it would bring the price higher; We’d have to charge extra and the shipping price would increase too; Having it packed and shipped in a pouch makes it way more affordable to all and… isn’t that what Amazon is all about?
  • 🔗 Made in USA; We are a FAMILY RUN SMALL BUSINESS with real people who use our own products every day, since 1987; We expect the best for our families and want the same for yours; We cut no corners with our products, and will not skimp on our customer support to you
  • 🔗 FREE LIFETIME REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE: Lifetime Jewelry is more than JUST jewelry - it’s our commitment to you for a lifetime; Be it 30 days, a year or a decade - you’ll get a new chain from us if ever any of our necklaces break, fade, or simply don’t live up to your highest expectations free of charge (just remember to register your purchase(s) on our website); We’re Lifetime Jewelry; Buy it once - own it for a lifetime